Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Imagine Church

Imagine a church where we can watch the preacher on a big screen, maybe even two screens, up close and focused on his face so we do not miss a single expression. Personal with out a person.

Imagine a church where the we can email the paster if we want to tell him how great the message was or if we have a specific questions, and one of his staff will quickly reply.

Imagine a church where we could buy or maybe rent the tape of Sunday’s lesson if we happen to miss a Sunday church service.

Imagine a church where we could simply go the archives of great video lessons long after our preacher is gone.

Imagine a church where we could cut into the message with appropriately placed announcements or “commercials.”

Imagine a church where we could edit the video of the preacher if he speaks to long or makes a verbal blunder.

Imagine a church where we could simply drive up in our cars and tune into a radio station and listen to the message as we watch on gigantic screens.

Imagine a church where we could simply have our offering direct deposited so as not to worry ourselves about missing a service.

Imagine a church where we could simply send our support for the poor and the Red Cross could distribute it as it sees fit.

Imagine a church where we could put in a CD and sing to the music of the most talented musicians. All we would have to do is press pause for a time of prayer.

Imagine a church where worship was via headphones distributing different styles of music according to individuals preference.

Imagine a church where we could be part of online chat rooms to discuss how we are hurting and share our burdens and even pray for one another via cyberspace.

Imagine a church that would not have to assemble together to worship. This is not a church. The very word speaks of gathering and assembling together. A church that does not gather? What church?


Blogger palmercat said...

you already are.... I mean.... I think I mihgt know a place.... It's in California.... Yeah California.

8:00 AM  
Blogger John Lynch said...

What if believers gather to listen to the CD or watch the screen? Is that church?

10:21 AM  

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