Friday, May 06, 2005

Graduation Day

Today is graduation day. I wonder if I will feel different tomorrow? My Dad and sister are coming all the way from California to see me dress up in funny clothes and be knighted by the appropriate academics. I read one time that the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men. Oh to be as foolish as God.

Dad says that he is proud of all that I have accomplished. It has been such a long time since I have thought of things in that way. I don’t feel as though I have done anything. It is more as if we a celebrating the end of a season than the accomplishment of some great feat. I remember the hold that wanting to please others had on me. The ghost of such thinking still visits from time to time. I have long been redeemed from the chains of expectation and the labor for favor. Grace has set my enslaved heart free. Grace has rescued my heart to Thee.

There will be a party to celebrate tomorrow. A lot of people will come by my house and say “congratulations.” I will smile and say, “thank you” a hundred times with the most sincerity that I can muster. I am thankful, thankful to be finished after only eleven years of study, and yet I don’t feel done. There is still so much to do and learn. There is still so much that I do not know, that I have not thought about. I suppose that this graduation day is more like a mile marker at the beginning of a long road trip. There will be others that come.


Blogger Brett Berger said...

Let me get this out of the way...Congratulations.

9:17 AM  
Blogger John Lynch said...

Praise God for the mile markers... mine, yours, everyone's. It's cool to have symbols of growth or progress or even just change, you know? I'm reading through the O.T. again from Gen. through Jesus; and it strikes me that these guys were altar-building fools... like all the time! And with each altar, they "called upon the name of the Lord." I love that... just like I loved your grad party. A bunch of people slapping you on the back, probably celebrating the hope of change and growth for all of them as much as they were celebrating this specific milestone in your life. And amidst the food & friends & kids everywhere... people were smiling in spirit, maybe even "calling upon the name of the Lord." Bless ya brother.

12:40 PM  

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