Monday, April 25, 2005

Larry King and Jesus

I was watching Larry King the other night after church. I heard the president of the American Atheists say that there was never a person such as Jesus Christ. It seemed to me like a bold, uninformed statement. I thought to myself, “how can she say this?” Even if you don’t believe the Bible is true and that much of it’s contents are the revision of the church, how can someone just say that Jesus never lived?

I supposed that she would soon denounce the existence of others that we have so ignorantly taken for granted. What about that whole moon landing was it just a video? I thought about writing her and asking for her confirmation regarding my place in history. There is nothing threatening about me or Napoleon. It is of little consequence that either of has lived, but someone with the apparent influence of Jesus Christ, well that is another matter.

I wonder if it is at all possible to convince someone of the existence of God who begins with the shadow in their heart of not wanting to believe. I am more and more convinced that people are not argued into the kingdom of heaven, it is not about evidence and reason it is about choice and will. Jesus once talked about men preferring to live in darkness rather than having their inconsistencies and shortcomings revealed by the light. (my paraphrase of John 3:19-20).

I suppose that even a historical Jesus in an ironic way cannot make it into historical existence in the mind of an atheist.


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