Thursday, February 19, 2004

Cookies for Breakfast

I choose to do the things that I desire. I desire some things more than others. Not all things bring the same fulfillment. Different things bring different satisfaction and fulfillment. I tend to do those things that bring immediate pleasure or satisfaction. I eat cookies for breakfast. I look lustfully at an image.

Is pleasure that is immediate wrong? Is fulfillment always found in waiting for pleasure? What is the ultimate consequence of the pursuit of the immediate? I am usually left sick or wanting more. The pursuit of the immediate negates the realization of the ultimate.

If I choose lustful thoughts I give up loving relationships.
If I choose cookies for breakfast I give up healthy life.
If I choose sleep I give up productivity.
If I choose angry words I give up forgiveness and restoration.
If I choose TV I give up thinking and the developing of my mind.
If I choose credit I give up thoughtful stewardship and financial freedom
If I choose self I give up God.

How easy it is to choose the immediate. For every short term desire there is a long-term consequence. I cannot have them both. What do I desire more? How do I choose what is better when faced with the desire of the immediate? Understanding this does not remove the desire for the immediate. It may, however, replace it with a desire that is stronger for those things that are yet future.


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